Let's do try

Thursday 13 August 2015

Basic of WIF(Role-based authorization in page by attribute)

When i tried to learn basic of WIF, i found few links by google like


these links are really great but trust me, if you are a beginner in wif then you might be unsatisfied after go through these links. The question is WHY??

Because when you try to learn something new then first you might need practical hands on demo first. Project demo download link is in below, Download it, go through it, and provide your valuable suggestion..

Download Project

Thursday 6 August 2015

Remove Server Response Header from asp.net web application

A frequently asked question is how to remove Server Response Header from all responses of web application (from aspx, css, js, html everything)... Now by googling you can see almost 5-8 types of solutions .. But most of them do not do your complete job (believe me i invested lot's of time on them) .. so the question is now among them which one is actually do your job ..

OK... first let me give you the answer so that you can get satisfied then i will let you know why it's the best one to choose .. append the below tag in web.config.If their are already <system.webServer> then also this will not create problem ...

 <rule name="changeServerHeader">
 <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Server" pattern=".*" />
 <action type="Rewrite" value="" />

Try to keep it in separate <system.webServer>  so that, it do not disturb other setting elements in <system.webServer> like below (don't worry it will not create any problem ;))..